February 15, 2010

Day 46 (whole foods)

I’m totally freaking out. Good and Bad. A friend of mine started talking to the Grocery store Whole Foods, about carrying my Jams and Jellies. AHHHHH!!!! (Insert panic attack here). I know my jams and jellies are good, but OMG!!! Totally AWESOME!!!
But the bad side, they would distribute in 4 states, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. That’s a lot of fricking jam. About 300 jars of each type per week. That means I can do this alone. I need to get a Certified Kitchen. This isn’t cheap. I also need to hire some people to help me… total anxiety attack. I don’t trust very easily, so having to hire some people work for me and not steal my recipes excetra is going to be hard to do.
I also came up with a new name. But I’m not going to post it until I own it… Anywho… That’s what I’ve been dealing with for the past couple days. Now I get to make jams all this week… until next time…

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